List of accessibility resources
@October 10, 2022
Accessibility starter
List of accessibility resources I’ve gathered over time
Beginner courses
- UX Foundations: Accessibility by Derek Featherstone (LinkedIn). Really good intro to accessibility, users and things you need to think about
- Tutorials | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C. Helpful examples and details from WAI to build on the foundation’s course
- Accessibility for Web Design by Derek Featherstone. Granular examples and how to. Nice extension from the foundation's course
- A11ycasts with Rob Dodson (youtube). Granular examples and how-to’s with a code and screen reader focus
WCAG Quick Reference Overview
-, Quick reference list to WCAG in one page. Finding this a helpful overview
Checklist and audits
- WebAIM's WCAG 2 Checklist. Comprehensive WCAG list to summarise WCAG in a way that's good enough for intermediate level
- WCAG, but in language I can understand – tempertemper. Some really simple copy for a list that covers wcag. Good for beginners and inspiration for simple copy
- Giving a damn about accessibility ( Useful article/pdf about user needs and the challenges you face in organisations
- Checklist - The A11Y Project. a11y project checklist, written in simple English and grouped by categories
Cognitive disabilities
- Accessible Numbers. Guideline for low numeracy, dyscalculia and Presenting numbers and data clearly
- An Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities | Deque. Deque actrice as an Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities
a11y programme links
- How to document the screen reader user experience - Accessibility, Your Team and You. A really good example of creating an accessible experience and the how to do it
- How Our Organization Improved Web Accessibility (Case Study). A good article list the “basics” or most common a11y issues
- A real world strategy for building accessible products – Heenesh’s article on a strategy for accessibility
Web resources
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN ( mdn docs bible - a godsend for understanding html specs
- ARIA Authoring Practices Guide | APG | WAI | W3C. Aria specs and indicative examples
- WAI-ARIA 1.1 Cheat Sheet jreiche. List of wai-aria 1.1 roles, attributes, global states & properties and landmarks. Found from Accessibility Tips, Tricks, and Resources for Developers.
- Accessibility Support. Tests to showcase how various component builds can/should work with screen readers. Community driven
Image attribution
Photo by Thomas BormansHire on Unsplash
Supporting references
Using WCAG to make accessible design happen | Infinityworks webinar by Emma Aldington, UX Content Designer at Cinch